Update for General Pacific’s Valued Customers

Posted: March 23, 2020 at 7:00 am

General Pacific (GenPac) remains open for business to serve our utility and contractor customers.  GenPac is considered an essential business, as a distributor of Electrical, and Water Utility products, based on the Home Land Security guidelines.  GenPac also provides IT Cloud services to over 100 utilities and AMI service provider customers.

We have arranged for the majority of our sales and support staff to work from home, while maintaining sufficient staff to provide services that cannot be handled remotely.

For those employees remaining in our facility we have established and implemented Social distancing policies, consistent with the Oregon Health Authority. We have also established social distancing protocols for receiving and shipping materials from our facility.

GenPac also continues to provide daily industry and vendor updates on GenPac’s QuickShip e-commerce site, which is available to customers who need quick access to our current inventory levels.  Due to our current workload we have disabled the sign-up link on our home page. To sign up for QuickShip please contact your sales rep for details.

Rick Hall, President

General Pacific, Inc.